What packages / pricing do you offer?

Check out my packages and pricing here:

Do you do elopements?

Yes! I will travel anywhere in the world!

Will you give us the raw footage?

By default, no. However, I do offer unedited raw video/audio as an enhancement. This is a very popular option which gives you the opportunity to relive your day in its entirety!

I don’t want all of the raw footage, but I do want the full ceremony, can you do that?

Yes! This is often the best compromise between only getting a highlight film and getting all of the raw unedited footage. I will create a full edit of the ceremony, touch up the audio, and color grade the footage. This gets you a full recap of the big moment from your wedding, without having to dig through all the raw footage.

What fees do you charge?

Generally, all taxes and fees are included in the advertised price. The only exception to that is if I need to travel more than 100 miles one way to get to/from your wedding. In that case, I do require travel accommodations.

Do you offer a combined package with photography?

At the moment I do not do photography. However, I do have agreements with other photographers to offer you dual discounts (i.e., if you book us both you get a 10% discount on each package). If you’re interested, please reach out!